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Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Team Kipi Business Income Opportunity Monthly Report for October 2013

Welcome to the first monthly income report of 2013!

Each month I publish a detailed account of Team Kipi Online Business Opportunity including a breakdown of exactly how much money I’ve earned and where it comes from.

Doing this helps me take notice of any upward or downward trends in my businesses, and it allows me to be transparent while hopefully providing some inspiration and value to you as well.

With that said, many people only see the numbers and fail to realize that many hours of hard work is put into gaining knowledge and into the Kipi business before getting to this point.

Succeeding online takes time, patience, stamina and perseverance, and as a result most people who try will fail. I hope that my insights both here in this post and on the rest of our blog will help you succeed in your journey.

Lets dig into it

In late September 2013, the 24th to be exact, I joined the Kipi Community. The excitement of embarking on a new journey and working on having an extra income stream continuously streamed through my mind. Ever so focused, determined, and spending more hours than what I could afford on gaining knowledge about the Kipi Business Opportunity, the Kipi Community and how it all fits together.

Getting information about Kipi proved to be a challenge within itself as the make money Kipi opportunity started out in South Africa in March 2013. Being fairly new to the South African Network Marketing and Multi Level Marketing platform, not many people where talking about it. The information I found about Kipi was negative publicity all the way.

I would suggest reading some of the articles that are online, many of which are published on Money Web. Alternatively, Google this phrase: Kipi Defence X. This isn't the platform to address issues raised within those articles, however I should point out this rule of thumb: when investing in anything, do not use money which you cannot do without. Any money-wise financial guru would tell you that. Given this rule of thumb, the same applies to our Kipi Community members.

Money Matters

My initial investment amount when I joined the Kipi Community and created my first dream was the grand amount of R500. After 3 days, my interest received earnings were R7.07. So this got me thinking: I hadn't introduced the Kipi income opportunity to anybody as yet right, I hadn't worked on my Kipi business, yet my Kipi account had gained an extra 7 bucks and 07 cents. Just this alone blew my sneakers, socks and then shorts off! And here's why...

I had earned a passive income with Kipi. There's no denying that. Some people consider making a passive income only true if the money earned is in the thousands. Not true!! So then I got thinking some more, if R500 invested gives me a return of about R10 in 3 days, that means in 30 days a return of R300 is expected - what sort of passive income interest earned would I receive with R2400 invested? Take note of what happens next...

On the 27th September 2013, I quickly log into my Kipi account, I create my 2nd dream which I can contribute R1900 towards. The Kipi system then requests me to directly deposit this amount to one of the Registered Kipi Community members (how cool is that because the person is going to receive this money straight into their bank account - no middle man, no manga manga business). In less than 30 minutes, I created my Kipi dream, chose the amount I can contribute towards it, got the details of the Kipi Community Member to directly deposit the amount of R1900 to, logged into my online banking account and transferred this money to the person. Here's where it gets interesting...

The 500 bucks from my first dream, and the 1900 bucks from my second dream gave my Kipi account a total value of R2400. From the 27th September to the 29th September (3 days), the interest received in these 3 days was R61.61. Nothing close to the 10 bucks from before right. Moving from earning R10 in passive income in 3 days, to earning R60 in passive income in 3 days. With R2400 invested, from the 27th September to the 9th October, a passive income return of R278.64 was earned and credited to my Kipi account. In 16 days, that is from the day I registered, became a Kipi Community Member and created my first dream with Kipi, to the 9th October - the total amount of passive income interest earned was R285.71.

Did I Make A Good Decision

Slowly but surely the power of the Kipi Income Opportunity was becoming evident to me. Although not a lot of money, R300 can buy me a website and hosting and certainly get the ball rolling in the right direction. And if my mathematics servers me correctly, in 32 days I will earn around R600 in total. Well that's certainly something to take note of because...

600 bucks for every 32 days means that in 128 days (which is just over 4 months) I will have earned over R2400 in interest. That original R2400 investment made will have given me a 100% return in just over 4 months. Not bad, not bad at all!

To read more about all these juicy numbers and to get an idea about what you will be earning as a Kipi Community Member, read my article called I Cant Believe What Kipi Did With My Money.

Income & Expenses Breakdown

  1. Join Kipi - create my 1st dream on the 24th September
    Expense - R500.00 payed towards my dream
    Income earned -  R7.07 by the 26th September

  2. Register www.TeamKipi.co.za domain name
    Expense - R100.00 for domain name and hosting for 12 months

  3. Added an email capture form and designed website
    Free of charge

  4. Create my 2nd dream on the 27th September
    Expense - R1 900.00 payed towards my dream
    Income earned - R278.64 by the 9th October

  5. Create my 3rd and 4th dream on the 10th and 20th October
    Read this article and find out What the Kipi Income System did to my money, I cant believe it!
    Best thing about this blog, is both the good and the bad are exposed.

  6. Create The KBO Blogging site http://KipiBusinessOpportunity.blogspot.com
    Free of charge

  7. Create Face Book Page https://www.facebook.com/KipiIncomeOpportunity
    Free of charge
  • Total Expenses from 24th September - 9th October: R2 500.00
  • Total Income Earned from 24th September - 9th October: R285.71
It's always good to sit down and write a report on how your business is performing, and reflect on what strategies are working and which strategies are not. Which things you can improve on and which are worth putting to bed.

The Team Kipi Business Monthly Report for the month of October 2013 has alot of ground to cover as this has been my first month as a Kipi Community Member. And as with any new income opportunity, it certainly takes a bit of time to get into the understanding of the opportunity.

During this trail and error phase - new exciting idea's have come to mind about building the Team Kipi Business Online Income Opportunity.

Things I Learned during October

Goals Accomplished

Goals to Accomplish

image thanks to: 
Posted By: Zam McNab

Team Kipi Business Income Opportunity Monthly Report for October 2013


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