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Thursday, 27 March 2014

Kipi Investment Opportunity Monthly Report February - March 2014 To Make Money Online Pure And Simple

Kipi Investment Opportunity MLM Network Marketing

Get clued up on making money with Kipi, and see what my  monthly income-earned business report of February to March 2014 can reveal to you and help you with.

Here is what you can do to make money using the Kipi MLM Network Marketing Business Opportunity...

Too often we don't take a step back to consider our situation and what can be done to change it into what we want it to be. Today I want to share with you a simple way you can use to make money with Kipi. I came across this technique while scanning through an international bestseller book, with over 2 million copies sold, called "Blue Ocean Strategy" written by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne.

If you are looking for a precise and actionable plan for changing and increasing the money and income you earn, take my advice and invest in reading quality books and ebooks and taking the time to develop your self, your skills, and your techniques.

Think of Complementary Products and Services

Kipi Investment Opportunity MLM Network Marketing
Few products and services are used in a vacuum. In most cases, other products and services affect their value. But in most industries, rivals converge within the bounds of their industry's product and service offerings. Take movie theaters as an example.

The ease and cost of getting a babysitter and the car affect the perceived value of going to the movies, although these complementary services are beyond the bounds of the movie theater industry as it has been traditionally defined. Few cinema operators worry about how hard or costly it is for people to get babysitters. But they should, because it affects the demand for their business. Imagine a movie theater with a babysitting service.

Untapped value is often hidden in complementary products and services. The key is to define the total solution buyers seek when they choose a product or service. A simple way to do so is to think out what happens before, during, and after your product is used. Babysitting and parking the car are needed before going to the movies. Operating systems and application software are used along with computer hardware. In the airline industry, ground transportation is used after the flight but is clearly part of what the customer needs to travel from one place to another.

What Can We Learn From The Following

Kipi Investment Opportunity MLM Network Marketing
Consider the British tea-kettle industry, which, despite its importance to British culture, had flat sales and shrinking profit margins. This was until Philips Electronics came along with a tea-kettle that turned the industry upside down.

By thinking in terms of complementary products and services, Philips saw that the biggest issue the British had with brewing tea in the comfort of their homes wat not in the tea-kettle itself but in the complementary product used when making tea. The problem was with the water, which had to be boiled in the kettle.

The issue was the lime scale found in tap water. The lime scale accumulated in kettles as the was boiled, and later found its way into the freshly brewed tea. To the kettle industry, the water issue was not its problem. It was the problem of another industry - that being the public water supply.

So what did Philips Electronics do about this?

By thinking in terms of solving the major pain points in terms of a customers' total solution, Philips saw the water problem as an opportunity. The result:

Philips created a tea-kettle which had a mouth filter that effectively captured the lime scale as the water was poured. Lime scale would never again be found swimming in the British home-brewed tea cup. The entire industry was again kick-started on a strong growth trajectory as people began replacing their old kettles with the new filtered kettles.

There are many other examples of companies that have followed this path to creating added-value and changing problems into opportunities.

Virgin Entertainment's stores combine CDs, videos, computer games, and stereo and audio equipment to satisfy buyers' complete entertainment needs. Dyson designs its vacuum cleaners to obliterate the costly and annoying activities of buying and changing vacuum cleaner bags. Zeneca's Salick cancer centers combine all the cancer treatments their patients might need under one roof so they don't have to go from one specialized center to another, making separate appointments for each service they require.

Learn To Understand What People Want

Untapped value is often hidden in complementary products and services. The key is to define the total solution buyers seek when they choose a product or service. A simple way to do so is to think about what happens before, during, and after your product is used.

Is the Kipi Investment Opportunity a Complementary Product?

Kipi Investment Opportunity MLM Network Marketing

Kipi offers an investment based opportunity which is designed to help you earn money and start living the dream and lifestyle you've always pictured for yourself. Our simple online investment opportunity allows anybody who has an Internet connection to make money. Offering you complete flexibility from how much you can afford to invest to how much you want to get in return after your investment period is complete.

Just like other businesses which have revolutionised their individual industries - Kipi's Investment Opportunity allows everyday people to invest money towards other everyday people making their financial goals come true - and best part about it is that investors receive an attractive interest rate everyday on the money they have invested.

Kipi Business Report and Money Matters

Kipi Investment Opportunity MLM Network Marketing

The Kipi Business Report

A lot of times, people hear about a new product or service. They rush into getting the product and never fully understand what the product is really about and how to make the most of it.

One of the reasons I started this blog is because I wanted to document and scrutinize Kipi MLM Network Marketing from every aspect and not miss a single thing.

I wanted to know what is the best way to make money using the Kipi financial platform, what things would work and what things would not work. Everyday working on the Kipi project presents to me new knowledge and a different perspective of what Kipi is, how Kipi works, and how you joining our Kipi investment opportunity gives you:
  • A chance to properly plan your financial future
  • The stability of a steady monthly income
  • So much more financial freedom from earning more each month
  • The platform to generate a substantial financial income stream for your family and loved ones
  • A way to get the stability of a steady monthly income
  • The opportunity to achieve better results with fewer hassles
  • Enough space for more entrepreneurial freedom and flexibility
  • The best possible return on your money and investment
As you read this section of the Make Money Online Pure And Simple Kipi Business Monthly Report February - March 2014, I will uncover with you the statistics, the analytics, the numbers, my income and that ‘you can make money with Kipi’.

I will also reveal to you how I've earned a passive income with Kipi, and what I've done to earn extra money online using Kipi Home Based Business Investment Opportunity.

Brief Summary of what Kipi is and My Success with it

Kipi Investment Opportunity MLM Network Marketing
I've had several people ask me why I publish the income I earn from investing with Kipi, and make it a public affair as if I am gloating about my earnings?

My response to such comments and questions is as simple as this: When I joined Kipi in September 2013, I could not find any information about this investment income earning opportunity. I wanted to know everything about Kipi, such as:

1. Is Kipi a scam?
2. Will I be able to make money with Kipi?
3. Who can I talk to about Kipi and make sure this is the right business opportunity for me?
4. How much will I earn with Kipi?
5. What is the right amount to create an investment with when using the Kipi investment product?
6. How long do I have to wait to get my investment back from the Kipi community?

And with this long line of questions I had waiting, to no avail did an answer come around and save my curiosity. Hate me for it, love me for it, but what leaders do when they cannot find solutions to their problems - they get up and go create the solutions needed. There's no point sitting around waiting for an answer out of nowhere; it just will not come!

You need to go find answers, create solutions, or find people who will help you get to where you need to be - that simple! This blog is all about showing people who are interested but find themselves skeptical about joining Kipi, what my experience with Kipi has been like. And like with all information, you can use it to your benefit or let it pass you by.

The Kipi Income Earning Investment Opportunity is flexible because you get to choose how much you'd like to invest into your Kipi Investment Account, and how much you'd like your Kipi Investment to grow and earn interest before you withdraw your funds.

What makes Kipi extremely attractive is how interest on an investment is applied, and how as a Kipi community member, the money you invested grows everyday. I'll show you more about this below when you read more about my Kipi income report.

Since September 2013, and now end of March 2014, I've earned R124 507.35 using the Kipi Investment Opportunity which has generated a passive income for me. To get fully updated from the day I joined Kipi, and used it as an investment vehicle and as a business opportunity, read my Kipi Home Based Income Report of October 2013.

My Kipi Income Report

Kipi Investment Opportunity MLM Network Marketing
This month of March 2014, Kipi celebrates its 1 year anniversary since being active and changing lives in South Africa. Being a Kipi South Africa member for the past 7 months, I quickly want to highlight interesting events which took place and made earning an income from Kipi worthwhile.

On the 27th September 2013, I invested R1 900 into the Kipi community and selected that my investment mature when it reached R5 700. On the 3rd February 2014 I received an SMS (text-message) notifying me that my investment had matured and that I could withdraw the funds to the value of R5 700 and fulfill my investment dream.

At the time I chose not to make a withdrawal just to see what happens when leaving an investment to pass its maturity date. The image below is what my Kipi account looked like where I could request a withdrawal and fulfill my dream. (click on image to enlarge it)

Kipi Investment Opportunity MLM Network Marketing

Over a period of 7 days, that R5 700 kept earning interest, till on the 10th February 2014 instead of withdrawing R5 700, I was able to withdraw R6 000. The image below shows the request I ended up putting through to fulfill my dream and withdraw the R5 700 plus the additional interest earned of R300.

Kipi Investment Opportunity MLM Network Marketing

These are actual screen shot images from my Kipi Investment Back-Office Account. A detailed history is kept within every Kipi Community Members account which show every transaction which takes place on the account. If you click on the image to enlarge it, you can also see two bonus from friends transactions where I received the amount of R200 and R20 from introducing people to the Kipi Investment Community.

At this point, I'd like for you to understand that you certainly can and will make an income with Kipi - that right now isn't what the debate is. The debate is how much money will you actually earn and how long will it take to earn that sort of money...we'll that highly depends on you and your skill, knowledge, and level of engagement with building a profitable income stream.

Lets quickly turn to my Kipi Investment Tracking Sheet and look at some highlights of the past two months. I use Microsoft Excel 2007 to keep track of my earnings and for it to reflect the same transactions you can find in your Kipi Investment Account history tab. The purpose of this tracking sheet is to show me how much I actually earn per day, and if I make any account changes what things does it affect. The tracking sheet is as detailed as possible so that I don't miss a single thing.

Kipi Investment Opportunity MLM Network Marketing
This is an overview of the month of February 2014. (Click on the image to enlarge it). Everytime the 'Total Interest Earned' was R3 000 or more, I've highlighted the cell in an orange colour. You'll be able to see that every 2 - 3 days that's the amount of interest which is earned on the money I've invested with the Kipi Investment Product.

You can also see that under column 'G', is the actual amount of interest earned per day. This is some good money because imagine earning R900 - R1200 per day? This certainly can and will make a difference.

"I also acknowledge that investing R50000 is more than what the average person can afford to invest, however, look at things in the greater scheme of things; by using the Kipi Investment Opportunity it will only be a matter of time before the average person will have this amount of money to invest with and receive some impressive earnings from their investments."

You'll notice that the 'Total Investment Amount' changed from R56 300, and dropped down to R50 300. That's because on the 10th February I made a withdrawal of R6 000, which was taken from when my investment dream of R5 700 had matured on the 3rd February. The most amazing things is that even though I made this withdrawal, the 'Daily Interest Earned' amount didn't decrease. I had expected it to, but it didn't - so I have yet to find out why not?

Kipi Investment Opportunity MLM Network Marketing
This is an overview of the month of March 2014. (Click on the image to enlarge it). If you look at the date of the 07 March 2014 - This is what I've been waiting for. Its the point where the interest I've earned is double the amount invested.

The doubling of my investment took from September 2013 to March 2014, so that's roughly 6 months! How incredible is this, and how incredible is Kipi as a way to have an additional income stream.

Now lets take into consideration the total interest earned on my account since I started with Kipi, how much my investment account grows each day, and if Kipi has really been a worthwhile investment for me...

So to count the number of days I've used the Kipi Investment Opportunity, lets go all the way back to 24 September 2013 - then fast forward all the way to 26 March 2014
  • 7 Days from September 2013
  • 31 Days from October 2013
  • 30 Days from November 2013
  • 31 Days from December 2013
  • 31 Days from January 2014
  • 28 Days from February 2014
  • 26 Days from March 2014
and this gives a total of 184 Days it took for my investment in Kipi to earn a total interest amount of R124507.35 from a total investment made of R50300. On average for the duration of my entire investment account, the average amount earned per day is R616.45. This average amount is certainly more than what I discovered in my Kipi January 2014 Business Report. That is extremely impressive for a source of passive income. Just for a second lets do the math...

If Person-X is earning R616 per day for the next 365 days, how much will they have after a year?
616 x 365 = 224840;

In this case, Person-X will earn R224 840 in a year. I think this is fantastic and can certainly make a significant difference from a financial point of view. If for whatever reason you doubt that Kipi can work for you, I'll go back to my old saying that "Numbers don't Lie!"

My Kipi Business Money Matters

Kipi Investment Opportunity MLM Netork Marketing
Keeping a tight track of my finances and my spending is the secret to running a profitable business. Spend less than what is earned works pretty well as a rule of thumb.

In this section of the report, I review my business expenses and my total income earned over the past two months. Its extremely important to reflect and take note of where money was gained and where money was lost, and how money can be better invested.

My biggest expenses these past two months was creating additional investment dreams as part of my Kipi Investment Strategy to the value of R2200.

For my Internet and data connection, I found an alternative service provider where I received a less pricey data connection for my laptop compared to the service provider I used in January 2014. My data connection this time was to the value of R300.

As part of the Kipi Project, R340 was paid to purchasing domain names for the 3rd and 4th phases of the Kipi investment project. Right now I can't say much about the 3rd and 4th phases, but I can certainly say that its a new service being developed which is aimed at helping any Kipi member earn an additional income.

In my January Kipi Report, I spoke about my biggest expense being my time. I would say on average I spend 5 hours a week working on Kipi and helping people join our Kipi wealth creating community.

Income and Expenses Break Down

  1. Personal development program by Anfried Klein-Werner
    Expense - $20 for February and March - which is R220
  2. Data bundles for Internet connection
    Expense - R300 for February and March
  3. Bank charges for the sending and receiving of money from and to community members
    Expense - R393 for February and March
  4. Creating an Investment with Kipi Investment Dreams
    Expense - R2200
  5. Purchasing of domain names for Kipi members to earn an extra income
    Expense - R340
  6. Updated www.TeamKipi.co.za website content and design
    Free of charge
  7. Update www.Kipi.co.za blog content and design
    Free of charge
  8. Income earned from Kipi Investment Account
    Income February- R29 292,26
    Income March - R30 520,91
Total expenses from 01 February 2014 - 26 March 2014: R3 453
Total income from 01 February 2014 - 26 March 2014: R59 813,17
Total Profit Made: R56 360,17

Last words...

Kipi Investment Opportunity MLM Network Marketing
Change Your Dreams Into Reality Now! Join Our Community And Be Entitled To Its Benefits...

This is a tried and tested method of payment and a tried and tested program in over 80 countries in the world. There is no firm, no company, no organization handling funds.

The community members handle the funds. The best part about this is there no law against this day-to-day practice of citizens distributing money among themselves. A classic stockvel-like way of earning money.

Kipi is the community of equal opportunities, a community of dreamers, a self driven economic community where everyone has equal chance to do best in his/her own ability and pace. This is the community of financial freedom. You earn what you dream; dream big and earn big.

Minimum to invest is R100 and maximum is R1000000

1. Invest R100 and earn R2000
2. Invest R500 and earn R10000
3. Invest R1000 and earn 20000
4. Invest R5000 and earn 100000
5. Invest R10000 and earn R200000

  • No monthly payments
  • No NEED to recruit - its optional if you want to earn instant income bonuses
  • No selling of any products
  • No buying of any products
  • No need to trade
  • No manager or owner in handling of funds
  • No company or firm to deposit money to
  • No company of firm to receive your return on investment withdrawal
  • No law against Kipi Community practices
Kipi is a community aimed at helping you achieve your dreams by a confidential exchange with other participants. Kipi started on 12 May 1995, so it has been changing people's lives for more than 18-years now.

Visit the Official Team Kipi Website, and see how the Kipi Investment Product will financially strengthen your pocket this year.

Credit for images used:
# Chill Lounge (http://s3.favim.com/orig/46/chill-glamour-lifestyle-luxury-ocean-Favim.com-429521.jpg)
# Coffee (http://favim.com/610/201107/28/Favim.com-cafe-coffee-lifestyle-luxe-luxury-116071.jpg)
# Juicy Burger (http://stationbarandgrill.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/fries_20and_20burger_1_.jpg)
# Luxury Plane (http://www.everydayluxurylife.com/)
# Money Matters Image (http://www.lapl.org/sites/default/files/media/images/about/MoneyMatters_600.jpg)
# Family Picture (http://essaybasics.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/My-family-English-essay3.jpg)

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

How To Earn An Extra Income Using Kipi MLM Network Marketing

Looking for a great way to earn an extra income and actually make some money for once? There are quite a number of factors you need to take into consideration, and most importantly find something you are comfortable and proud of doing and sharing with other people.

I want to share with you, how you can make sure that you introduce at least person a month to your business opportunity. But you shouldn't fall for the trap of thinking that one person a month will not get you anywhere. This is a tried and tested method especially for someone who is just starting out with Kipi, and who wants to know what to do to make an extra income.

I like to refer to farming when explaining most scenarios’s because the exact same principles that apply to farming, apply to everyday life.

So assuming you wanted to grow a crop in your garden– be it your favourite fruit or vegetable. Naturally you’d need to go through the process of ensuring quality soil is there to plant the seeds of your vegetable of choice.

After planting the seeds, you need to ever so often water the soil. As the seeds begin to sprout and start to grow, you may need to add nutrition to the soil such as manure.

And voilà!
After weeks and weeks of watering the soil – you have yourself a promising fruit tree or vegetable plant growing which by the way will bring you new seeds and more wonderful fruit. It really is that simple :)

How does any of this relate to Kipi and to multilevel marketing and to network marketing? How does farming relate to business? It is the principles of farming and life-long lessons which farming teaches that relate heavily to business and reaping what you sow!

Lets Put Things Into Context

Kipi Business Opportunity offers an excellent platform where anybody will earn money through subscribing to the Kipi Investment Product. You can read about my Kipi investment Income Reports to see how you can make money with Kipi.

We can compare Kipi to being the farming land filled with nutritional quality soil that I spoke about in my farming example.

However, what good are all the benefits and wealth Kipi has if the opportunity isn’t being used to its full potential. And this is the part that most people miss out on! So pay close attention to what I tell you next...

If you agree with me that Kipi is like soil. And that it is a platform that people can use to create wealth and an income for themselves. Then ask yourself this: do farmers sell soil to the seeds they wish to sow? Do they take each seed and say “Hey Mr. Seed, please like my soil!”? I know this sounds funny, but in all my years, I’ve never heard of such a thing.

A farmer knows what soil is best for growing crop, and all that simply happens is that the farmer prepares the land and then introduces the seeds to the land...and just like “magic” the land gives back and so the farmer eats off of the land for years to come while the crop effortlessly and continuously grow and multiply.

You do not sell Kipi and ask people if they want to buy? MLM and Network Marketing isn’t something that you sell! The farmer does not sell soil to a seed.

If I asked you to sell me a lifestyle – what product exactly would you pick up from the grocery store and say “Here is a lifestyle, you can buy it for R4.99”? As much as Kipi provides an investment product, Kipi is a lifestyle.

In case you skipped that line, I'll say it again. Kipi is a lifestyle!

When someone decides to join Kipi, its never about the insane amount of money they can make. Without fail, well at least with the community members I've been in contact with, its always about lifestyle.

Investment dreams like "I want a comfortable bed to get quality sleep at night", or "I want to pay off my daughters school fees and give her a better education" or "I just want time with my family and not always working till I'm exhausted," always come up.

Understand that I have over simplified my plant a seed in quality soil and watch it grow farming-example, and here's why...

Before and after someone joins your network marketing team, it certainly requires you to put in the effort and leg work – or we’d all be rich just from sitting and doing nothing. What is important though is the type of effort and leg work you put in, and ‘the how’ you go about doing so.

How do you get people to join your business opportunity?

I say be as creative as you’d like, but stick to the fundamentals. So here’s a sure-fire way which is a tried and tested method especially for someone who is just starting out with Kipi, and who wants to know what to do to make an extra income.

The most interesting feature about this method is that everybody who joins your team can and should use it – therefore it’s extremely simple, straight forward, and easy to duplicate.

So I introduce to you, the 1-BY-MONTH Recruitment Strategy!

This method of recruiting is so powerful, that just from recruiting 1 person and showing them how to use this amazing strategy:

  • You can add 50 people to your income earning network every year!
  • Recruit 5 people, and show them this top-notch formulae, then that’s 250 people joining your passive income network every single year...

So how does it work?

Here’s an image of the strategy on how to build your network...study it for a few minutes and get to understand how it works as I talk you through it below. (click on image to enlarge it)

Row 5 represents you, and the 13 people you recruit from January to January.


In January you introduce Tom to Kipi’s Investment Product. Tom uses the month of January to read up more and understand how Kipi works then decides he wants to join and so he does.

You spend some time with Tom and show him the 1-BY-MONTTH Recruitment Strategy, and assist him with any questions or idea’s he has.


In February Tom introduces Lisa to Kipi’s Investment Product. Lisa now uses the month of February to read up more and understand the ins and outs of Kipi and she wants to join and so she does.

Tom spends some time with Lisa and where necessary asks for your assistance. Tom show’s Lisa the 1-BY-MONTTH Recruitment Strategy, and how to implement it.


In March Lisa introduces Lerato to Kipi’s Investment Product. Lerato now uses the month of March to familiarise herself with Kipi and she wants to join and so she does.

Lisa spends some time with Lerato and where necessary asks for Tom’s assistance. Lisa show’s Lerato the 1-BY-MONTTH Recruitment Strategy, and why it’s so important she shows it to the people who are so to join her team.

Just from recruiting Tom and showing him the strategy, Tom’s network starts to develop when he recruits Lisa, then Lisa’s network starts to grow when she recruits Lerato.

Have a look at the diagram again...

If you look at the diagram again – you’ll see that over 13 months “YOU” recruit 13 people! You’ll also see that just from recruiting Tom (Recruit 1), the development of his network will add (60 minus 13), 50 people to your wealth generating network.

Wouldn’t you agree that this is a much easier way of reaching your goal? A more simple less stressful method where you are not banging on every person you knows door and telling them to join your Kipi business opportunity.

With this strategy, you’ll work with a maximum of 2-3 people at a time that are genuinely interested in your business opportunity and want to make money. No running around like a headless chicken and still not progressing with your network or seeing any results.

So in this case, the farming example isn’t to clear because one may think “how on earth do farmers show seeds how to make more seeds”?

Well they don’t! But by regularly watering and irrigating the land – this behaviour facilitates and makes the environment more conducive to growth, sprouting and the becoming of more seeds.

Last Words

Remember – “A seed is introduced to the soil and like magic the seed shall effortlessly and continuously grow. First get the land cultivated then all that’s left is to plant.”

Well here's the deal on Kipi...

The number one cause of people failing to make things work is that they don't have time. And consequently they don't have the required skills to make fast progress.

With Kipi, there is no monthly payment for our investment product. You decide what you can afford and how much you'd like to invest towards reaching your financial goals.

  1. This unique financial social international community platform is the best form of passive income you can get.
  2. Filled with amazing features designed to benefit every single member.
  3. No need to recruit to make money - every day our stand alone investment product earns you interest on your investment.
  4. No selling of any products.
  5. No buying of any physical products to carry around.

This is a seriously HOTT opportunity for you to get into the drivers seat and really earn extra money in the background, while you continue with your day-to-day routine!

There's everything you need to know on our team website: ~> Team Kipi How Kipi Works

image farm: Fine Art America
image family: RVA Fashionista
image people in car: Fustany

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Kipi Work From Home Business Monthly Report For January 2014

This report will answer the questions running in the back of your mind about Kipi.

Nobody likes to part ways with their hard earned money and never see it again. Nobody wants to be taken advantage of and end up the victim of some shady ponzi scheme.

Every investment, in its true form, is taking a chance, whether it is investing in property, the stock market, or the stock exchange. Every business and every community exists because of people. People who believe in the business. And the people who use the products. As soon as there are no people, then there is no business, no community...what was becomes no more.

What would happen if the world woke up tomorrow and nobody used FaceBook? What would happen to all the millions which investors from across the globe have invested into the operating and running of the FaceBook community? What would become of the mighty social network?

Kipi is also a community made up of everyday people from across the world - with the difference being that our wealth generating social network community is one that makes money together and earns money together. Now that's powerful - when people work together for a common cause! So let's kick things off...

The start of a new year is one of the most exciting times the world gets to experience. New idea's and business plans come pouring out as if the flood gates were let open.

Better and more efficient ways of living our day-to-day lives spawn across the globe. The sense of a new beginning dawns, and with that comes a glass bottled mix of a refreshed life purpose, renewed motivation, clearer mental vision and brighter focused thoughts.

Let me share with you an interesting story...

 In the old days, sailing the sea's wasn't like it is now with GPS co-ordinates, and top notch technology that can control a boat from Cape-to-Cairo while the captain rests.

Sailors would heavily rely on their compass in one hand, and the wheel of the ship in the other. By night they would look up at the stars and calculate their co-ordinates and use maps, pencils, and rulers to make it through the rough sea's.

In comparison, all captains of any ship, be it a captain for the olden days with a compass in hand, or a captain from a hi-technology modern day time with a GPS fitted to the ship...both these captains would have a map and knew where they were heading.

In the roughest of sea's, keeping true to the compass or GPS directions would be their only concern.

When considering what a significant impact not following what the compass or GPS directions has on sailing a ship from one point of the ocean to the other point...

Simply imagine getting lost at sea. Imagine only being able to see vast amounts of water and not knowing which direction to travel in.

The end results of being lost at sea are dying from starvation or thirst when the food and water supply on-board run out. What kind of captain would PURPOSELY put his crew and the people on-board his ship through such circumstances.

There's No Better Time Like Now

With the rest of the year ahead of you, there's no better time like now to take our your pens, pencils, map books, compasses, GPS equipment and really plan for the months which lay ahead of you.

It should never be a mistake as to why you end up being a millionaire - it's something which you should understand and know about yourself - right here, and right now! There's no more time or room for guessing games.

If man can calculate how long it will take to land on the moon within an inch of a second - its my guess that there isn't anything which cannot be calculated and achieved.

All It Takes Is One Good Idea...Persistence...Consistency

No matter how great the task, it can be competed by simply doing something on a consistent basis. Work a little bit on each of your 3 most important goals every week. Plan to work on them at a set time every week. Then this becomes a habit.

Even if your goals are not achieved within the time-frames you originally set, just keep plugging away at them. If you have to complete one by a certain date, then just double your efforts every week.

Having a winning attitude about your future implies that you are filled with hope for what lies ahead in your life. Regardless of how tough your life has been, you are optimistic about the future. You know there will be more opportunities. There may be challenges too, but you will be ready for those because all of the past has prepared you to take on the future.

Just like a sailor, having a Kipi Investment Product will guide your financial ship through the rough economic environment of price increases

The Business Report...

My understanding of the Kipi Investment Product has grown and is deeper than it was back in September 2013 when I made my first investment. 

The Kipi Home Based Business is a real opportunity that offers the average person a real choice and a real chance to get themselves out of the financial rat-race.

As you read this section of the Kipi Home Based Business Report of January 2014, I will uncover with you the statistics, the analytics, the numbers, my income and that ‘you can make money with Kipi’.

I will also reveal to you how I've earned a passive income with Kipi, and what I've done to earn extra money online using Kipi Home Based Business Investment Opportunity.

Kipi has been in existence since 12 May 1995, and in early 2013 hit the shores of South Africa. On the 24thSeptember 2013 I joined Kipi so I could make money online. Kipi is Home Based Business Opportunity which offers me a way to earn an extra income through their Stockvel-like investment product.

Unlike traditional investment products, Kipi Investment Opportunity shares it’s profits into every single active Kipi Investment Account. So participating and investing with a minimum of R100 (South African Rand), this investment will grow with interest and give you a return on investment (ROI) of R2000 after 12-16 months.
Investing with a maximum of R100000 (South African Rand) will grow with interest and give you a return on investment (ROI) of R200000 after 12-16 months.

The Kipi Income Earning Investment Product is flexible because you get to choose how much you’d like to invest into your Kipi Investment Account, and how much you’d like your Kipi Investment to grow and earn interest before you withdraw your funds.

Since September 2013 and now end of January 2014, I’ve earned R61510,32 through the Kipi Income Earning Investment Opportunity. To get fully updated from the day I joined Kipi, and used it as an investment vehicle and as a business opportunity, read my Kipi Home BasedIncome Report of October 2013.

I first created the Kipi Business Opportunity as a place to write blog entries about Kipi. It was fairly easy to start this blog using the Blogger platform for blogging. In 5 - 10 minutes I registered the name of my Kipi Blog as KipiBusinessOpportunity.blogspot.com . This was back in October 2013 that I registered and created the Kipi Blog.

When looking at the name KipiBusinessOpportunity.blogspot.com, I think we'd both agree that its way to long, and not very friendly to easily share it with other people. After spending a few days trying to decide what would look more appropriate and easy to remember as a website address, something like Kipi.co.za seemed more appropriate and fitting.

After a few enquiries, I managed to purchase the website name Kipi.co.za. This allowed me to  add a custom domain to the Blogger platform, and point the Kipi.co.za website to the KipiBusinessOpportunity.blogspot.com blogging site. So you'll notice that when you type KipiBusinessOpportunity.blogspot.com in your address bar and hit enter, it automatically changes and becomes www.Kipi.co.za.

That fascinates me, and blows my socks off :)

When looking at the web-analytic's diagram, it gives a clear indication that over the course of this month, there has been a gradual increase of the amount of people who visit the Kipi.co.za website. On a personal level, this is a rewarding feeling to add value into the Kipi Community and help build it from strength to strength.

On a wider scale though, you can use this web-analytic's diagram as factual evidence that people are online and looking for ways to earn an extra income. But not only are people looking to make money online , they are looking for Kipi. More and more people access the Internet everyday looking to join Kipi and become Kipi Community Members.

Numbers don't lie - the Kipi Community is growing stronger each day - I'm glad to be part of the Kipi Community. I'm glad to be in a position to educate and spread the words of financial freedom to more and more people everyday. Its a great feeling, and a life changing experience!

After a chat with one of the Kipi Community Members, we came to agree to disagree about the following topics. Firstly, how unbelievable Kipi seems to be, and secondly, if Kipi is a scam or not.

My view is that numbers don’t lie!

When my Kipi account reflects that there is R5700 of available funds which I can withdraw, I hit the withdraw button, I receive a transaction verification sms (text-message) on my mobile phone, I confirm the transaction, and a few days later – one of the Kipi Community Members deposits my R5700 into my bank account.

Its that simple! It cant get any realer than that!

Starting off from New Years Day 01 January 2014 lets look at how my Kipi Investment Tracking Sheet looks. I use Microsoft Excel 2007 to keep track of my earnings and for it to reflect the same transactions you can find in your Kipi Investment Account history tab.

The total amount I've invested towards reaching my financial goal and dream is R56300. This investment amount progressively happened over a period of 4 months, i.e. from 24 September 2013 – 31 December 2013.

As of the 1st of January 2014, the total interest which my Kipi Investment Account had earned is R36242,83. When considering the actual number of days its taken to earn this amount of interest – that is 100 DAYS to be exact! When averaging these numbers out, my Kipi Investment Account has been growing at an average rate of R362,43 per day!

But remember, I didn’t initially start my Kipi Investment Account with R56300. I started with R500 and created my first investment dream. Then went on to create another investment dream of R1900, then a few weeks later invested R22500 and following that, created another dream investment of R8400.

This has been a progressive Kipi Investment Strategy because following the R8400, a R1000 Kipi Investment Dream was created, and I managed to squeeze in a last investment for 2013 on the 22ndDecember to the value of R22000 (those are the 2 amounts circled in red).

Perhaps not a very conventional way I've used to make money with Kipi, but I do consider this way as a winning strategy because for the months ahead starting from February 2014 then March, then April etc...my Kipi Dream Investment are all scheduled to mature and provide me with a passive income for the rest of this year.

Other people would prefer to do a once off lump sum investment and collect a lump sum earning a year or year and 4 months later. And that is totally okay to do!

We all have different approaches and that’s what makes Kipi such a unique income earning investment opportunity.

Money is continuously flowing between all community members at any given time – that’s great, and that’s how we all financially get empowered through our Kipi Dream Investments.

My Kipi Investment Tracker Spreadsheet which I use, also shows me how much interest I actually earn on a day-to-day basis.

What I’ve been struggling to understand since I noticed it is that the daily interest earned on the R56300 investment has increased from an average of R792.90 in the last week of December 2013, to an average of R895.86 for this month of January 2014.

One of the causes of this additional R100 in the daily interest earned is certainly from people joining and investing in themselves by creating a Kipi Dream Investment. This increase in my daily interest earned is something I’m certain has happened to all Kipi Community Members who have a Kipi Investment Dream waiting to mature. The bigger picture which I’m starting to see is: the more the entire Kipi Community transacts and exchanges funds between all the Kipi Members, the more money the entire community earns.

On the Kipi Investment Tracker Spreadsheet, it reflects that my Kipi account is earning more than R3000 every 3-4 days (this is highlighted by counting the purple blocks). I’m still in shock! All the purple blocks indicate a R3000 or more increase on my Kipi account. And this is literally happening every 3-4 days.

I’m totally excited about this, and so should you – simple because numbers don’t lie and numbers are universal. Which means – there is some good money to be made – no jokes!

On the 23rd of January 2014, this was a celebration. My Kipi Investment amount of R56300 broke-even whereby the total amount of interest earned over these past few months was just a bit more than the total investment amount. On this date, the total interest earned on my Kipi Investment Account was R56431,67.

To me, this looks great!

My Kipi Investment Account is now earning more money than what I’ve invested. The Kipi Investment Opportunity is making a profit. And that’s the point I want every Kipi Community Member to reach – the point where you are making a profit, the point you are able to look at your Kipi Investment Dream and see without doubt how having Kipi as an online home based business is the best decision you've made for yourself.

Next month – not to spoil the surprise, one of my investment dreams are maturing!
Be sure not to miss the post I’ll be putting up about this investment dream maturing and how everything works when a Kipi Community Members reaches their financial goal and an investment matures.

From my previous Kipi Home BasedBusiness Income Report of November – December 2013, I mentioned that I’d slowly but surely turn my attention to the network marketing aspect of the Kipi Business Opportunity, and sponsor people into the business, and do the whole social network advertising and basically getting word out there about Kipi.

So I owe it to you to give you insight on how this project went over the past 4 weeks – my failures and my successes. Get the scoop on How To Sponsor New Kipi Members Into Your Team. There’s something I did right cause I've managed to sponsor 1 new member each day – I just don’t know what it is that I did right?

Kipi Money Matters

For any business to operate profit and loss need to be reviewed. This is to expose area's of development and maximize opportunity where viable.

My biggest expense this month was the purchasing data of data bundles. I spent R500 to R600 on Internet connection. I urgently need to find an alternative service provider for my laptop wireless connection.

The purchasing of data bundles is due to working outside of my normal broadband connection that comes with unlimited bandwidth. For the month of February I plan not be out and about as much as I was this month.

My next biggest expense which can and cant be measured by money is my time. I'm proud of myself and what I achieved over the course of this month. I spent a considerable amount of time working on new product idea's which will assist all Kipi Community Members better their earnings.

Spent even more time than I usually would on producing content for the Kipi Business Opportunity Website and producing content and reviewing the layout of the Kipi Business Opportunity Blog.

Perhaps a better approach I will take for the month of February 2014, is to track the amount of hours when I actually sit down and work on the Kipi Internet Based Online Business as a whole.

Income and Expenses Break Down

  1. Personal development program by Anfried Klein-Werner
    Expense - $10 for January - which is R110,69
  2. Data bundles for Internet connection
    Expense - R600 for January
  3. Bank charges for the sending and receiving of money from and to community members
    Expense - R493 for January
  4. Updated www.TeamKipi.co.za website content and design
    Free of charge
  5. Update www.Kipi.co.za blog content and design
    Free of charge
  6. Income earned from Kipi Investment Account
    Income - R27974,72
Total expenses from 01 January 2014 - 31 January 2014: R1203,69
Total income from 01 January 2014 - 31 January 2014: R27974,72
Total Profit Made: R26771,03

Area's of Success and Opportunity for Development

What Worked
From September 2013 to December 2013 gave me the space to learn about Kipi as an investment vehicle. I turned all my focus to learning the ins-and-outs of the community to the best of my ability. And I'm satisfied with the results and knowledge I've gained thus far.

Using this newly acquired knowledge has enabled me to give more attention to building a professional website whereby I can share my Kipi trials and tribulations with the Kipi Community, to engage with people on social networks, and to shape how I want to go about communicating with people about how we can earn an income through the home based business opportunity which Kipi offers us.

What Didn't Work
As part of my Kipi Investment Strategy, my initial goal was each month to create at least one Kipi Dream Investment. Unfortunately this month I didn't create a dream because I over-stepped my financial commitments. The effects of this is that I wont receive money in July/September of this year because I didn't invest any money and schedule it to mature in 6-8 months.

An area of development is for me is to better communicate with those who contact me. At times it takes me 24 hours to return emails - and that is not good enough. What I need to do in order to better improve this turn-around time is to review all the emails I've received and incorporate those questions and those requests into my website content.

I think in the long run, that will help me to answer questions before they are even asked. Which in turn makes for a better experience to my website visitors.

Not to say it was a complete disaster, but things didn't pan out as smoothly as I hoped. After changing my focus from the Kipi Investment Opportunity Product, and focusing entirely on the Kipi MLM Network Marketing Business...

I think it's safer if you see the whole story for yourself: Kipi MLM Network Marketing Business.

Last words...

Change Your Dreams Into Reality Now! Join Our Community And Be Entitled To Its Benefits...

This is a tried and tested method of payment and a tried and tested program in over 80 countries in the world. There is no firm, no company, no organization handling funds.

The community members handle the funds. The best part about this is there no law against this day-to-day practice of citizens distributing money among themselves. A classic stockvel-like way of earning money.

Kipi is the community of equal opportunities, a community of dreamers, a self driven economic community where everyone has equal chance to do best in his/her own ability and pace. This is the community of financial freedom. You earn what you dream; dream big and earn big.


Minimum to invest is R100 and maximum is R1000000

1. Invest R100 and earn R2000
2. Invest R500 and earn R10000
3. Invest R1000 and earn 20000
4. Invest R5000 and earn 100000
5. Invest R10000 and earn R200000

  • No monthly payments
  • No NEED to recruit - its optional if you want to earn instant income bonuses
  • No selling of any products
  • No buying of any products
  • No need to trade
  • No manager or owner in handling of funds
  • No company or firm to deposit money to
  • No company of firm to receive your return on investment withdrawal
  • No law against Kipi Community practices
Kipi is a community aimed at helping you achieve your dreams by a confidential exchange with other participants. Kipi started on 12 May 1995, so it has been changing people's lives for more than 18-years now.

Visit the Official Team Kipi Website, and see how the Kipi Investment Product will financially strengthen your pocket this year.

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